Ryedale Swimming Club follows the guidance in Wavepower for child safeguarding the Swim England (ASA) Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct. This will provide you details regarding:
- Swim England Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Guidelines: Wavepower manual which sets out recommended procedures, guidelines and responsibilities for Swim England registered swim clubs and Swim England members.
- DBS / Vetting and Barring scheme up-dates
- Swimline
- Complaints Procedure
We are fully committed to ensuring that all children thoroughly enjoy their swimming in a safe and supportive environment. If parents or children have any concerns or questions that they would like to ask, please get in touch with Jess Little or Dave Goodfellow.
Email welfare@ryedaleswimmingclub.co.uk
Dave Goodfellow
Welfare Officer
07976 614 494
Alternatively there is a dedicated helpline 0808 100 4001 called Swimline for anyone wishing to raise a safeguarding or welfare issue or North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children also provides further guidance (located under the ‘Useful Links’ section on their home page).