Club Fees

Ryedale Swimming Club Fees

Swimming Club Fees are as follows:

 Session Fees
Teaching (30 mins) £17.50
Teaching (60 mins) £21.50
Competition Squad £25.50
Adult Masters £25.50

Fees will be collected monthly via Direct Debit

It has become necessary for the swimming club committee to formulate a policy with regard to fees payable where swimmers are unable to attend due to injury or illness.  This has come about due to an increase in the number of enquiries regarding this.

The swimming club is a non-profit making organisation.  The fees raised cover the club’s running expenses.  Any surplus gets spent on new swimming equipment for example floats, woggles, flippers and the like.  We set our fees at a rate whereby the club can continue to run successfully in the same manner.  The club cannot be in a situation where it routinely loses a proportion of this income.  Over time this could jeopardize the club’s future and would affect all club members.

In light of the above it has been decided that it will not be the practice to refund any fees as a result of absence due to injury or illness.  However, where the absence extends to a significant proportion of a quarter or beyond then the matter of a fee refund will be decided upon by the committee on a case by case basis.

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